is a social networking site aimed at providing a safe online environment for children and teenagers. It was founded in 2018 and is based in the United States. The platform is marketed as an alternative to traditional social media sites that may not be suitable for younger users.


One of the key features of is its focus on user privacy and safety. The site does not allow the sharing of personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or physical addresses. Additionally, all user-generated content is screened by human moderators to ensure that it is appropriate for a younger audience.


Another notable feature of is its emphasis on positive social interactions. The site encourages users to engage in uplifting conversations and share inspirational content. Users are also able to earn rewards for positive behavior, such as receiving badges for helping others or participating in community events.


While is a relatively new platform, it has gained a following among parents who are concerned about their children's online safety. However, the site's focus on providing a safe and positive environment means that it may not appeal to users who are looking for a more open and uncensored social media experience.


Overall, is a promising social networking site for young users who are looking for a safer and more positive online community. However, as with any social media platform, parents should still monitor their children's use of the site and educate them about online safety.